Ministry Groups
Audio/Visual Ministry
Sunday Mornings
This ministry exists to serve God and Redeemer with the major emphasis on Sunday morning services. Its members use visual and sound creativity in partnership with our Worship Ministry and pastoral staff to lead and enhance our worshiping environment. Our A/V leaders have the ability to troubleshoot and problem solve quickly as issues arise with equipment and also work well with other members to accomplish all tech components for Sunday services.
Contact: Info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Building and Grounds Volunteers
Various Times
Ministry to the Lord through faithful stewardship of the building and grounds of Redeemer. Under the direction of our Building and Maintenance Supervisor, volunteers will use their hands and feet to maintain and care for the property God has entrusted Redeemer with.
Contact: Info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Children's Ministry
Sunday Mornings
Our Sunday morning Children's Ministry is run by our amazing volunteers who serve our children from age 1 thru 5th grade. Small group leaders lead them in worship, Bible stories, games, crafts, and small group discussions about the heart of God and how we can reflect Him in our everyday lives! We are digging into the Heart of God through our Dig In Curriculum. There are many ways to serve in this ministry such as a small group leader, co-leader, buddy program, nursery, greeter, youth helper and large group leader.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Funeral Luncheon Team
Various Times
The Funeral Luncheon Team exists to serve those who have recently experienced a loss of a loved one within the Redeemer Body. It is our desire and privilage to minister to the families of our congregation in their time of need through the use of Redeemer's facilities. The focus of the team is to provide information, coordination, and execution of a luncheon that is honoring to the family and celebrates the life of the one they have lost.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
God Works
Fourth Saturday of every month
Salvation Army Campus of Hope
God Works is a community-wide outreach to the homeless that is committed to serving dinner every night. A variety of groups and individuals support the meals at different locations around Monroe County (and beyond) primarily through prayer, donations and volunteer service. More about the God Works program can be learned at gwsoupkitchen.com. A team of volunteers from Redeemer prepare and serve a meal on the 4th Saturday of every month at the Salvation Army Campus of Hope, 815 E. First St.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Helps Team
Various Times
This team facilitates the serving of one another in the Body, and within the greater community. They will look to God for strategies to communicate individual and corporate needs, and to meet those needs with joyful servants among the Body-or to connect those in need to outside resources within the community. Also, if there are individual financial needs, they discern together if or how God would have them respond to the needs.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Interior Design
Various Times
The Decorations Ministry is a group that works on upgrading permanent objects and work within the building. This includes things such as painting walls, permanent artwork within the building, repurposing areas, etc.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Livestream Ministry
The Livestream Ministry exists to serve Redeemer's shut-ins and record what God is doing at Redeemer. The livestream engineers combine audio & visual skills, technical expertise, creativity in media, and spiritual discernment to broadcast Redeemer's services on various media platforms.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Missions Team
Various Times
This team oversees the Missions and missionaries that are supported by our church through the general contribution from the budget, and from individual contributions through our church. Discerning God's will for the annual budget, communication with the missionaries, communicating with the Body about our missionaries, and overseeing fundraising events (like the Seed Faith Project) for our various Missions are the main tasks.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Social Activities
Various Times
This team is involved with the planning and execution of Redeemer's yearly Chili Cook Off and Church Picnic.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Special Music Ministry
Various Times
This ministry is provided to honor the Lord during our morning worship services, and to give opportunities for those who are interested in singing or playing an instrument. This ministry is a process where we begin meeting to develop a heart of worship using our gift.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Usher Ministry
Sunday Mornings
Members of the Ushers' ministry are responsibility for welcoming people attending our Sunday morning services, and in assisting visitors with questions or concerns. The head ushers distribute the weekly newsletter and other correspondence. In addition, ushers serve and assists at special events and conferences that are held at Redeemer.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Worship Arts Ministry
Sunday Mornings
The Worship Arts Ministry of Redeemer exists to prophetically express worship through various artistic expressions including: dance, flags and banners, art expressions (paint, clay drawing, stone, metals, and other artistic mediums), and various worship tools. These forms of expression are commonplace throughout scripture and act as a way of physically expressing worship using our various God-given creative abilities and styles.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information
Worship Ministry
Sunday Mornings
Our musical worship team is built upon the premise that each member is a worshiper first and a musician second. We lift up living a lifestyle of worship to God each day in love, honor, and obedience to Him. Our team consists of vocalists and instrumentalists who are passionate about stewarding their skills through practice, individual worship, and prayer so that they can bring excellence to God and to our worship environment at Redeemer.
Contact: info@redeemermonroe.com for more information